Thursday, December 8, 2011

Husband has very low sperm count and motility. Any ideas or stories of similar experience?

We have been TTC for 12 months. I am perfectly fine, but his sperm count is only 7MM and motility 25%. We are waiting for his urologist to say what could have caused this. Any similar experiences? Our next step shoudl IUI and then IVR.|||exactly in same boat as you me fine, hubby low count, motility, ect

anyway just completed first cycle of iui (don't know outcome yet

in the 2ww) don't worry lots of things they can do to achieve pregnancy with low sperm count,

your lucky he has a count all you need is one with iui

goodluck you will only probably need minor intervention don't let it get you down

|||See this book by Beth Kiley that talks about improving sperm motility.|||does he smoke doobies or cigarettes? because that could lower his sperm count..|||no

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